
Angelina's politics

A few excerpts for Angelina Jolie's interview with Forbes magazine:

On Shiloh's birth: "It's different to say that you choose to bring a child into existence. I didn't choose to bring my two adopted children to life. Strangely enough, I was concerned about [this difference], and I have been making a point recently to give my adopted children more attention. But I feel now I love them equally...and I am very lucky that I am not a single parent. I can't imagine how difficult it is for mothers who have to go back to work so soon."

On running for office: "It's difficult, as much as I'd love to get more involved in different ways, I am able to work with everyone [as an actress], I'm able to do a lot from the position I stand on. Otherwise, I would have to take a side, and I don't know I'd be very good. I don't have the confidence...if that day comes, it would surprise me more than anyone."

On working with Republicans: "Fortunately, my issues are not partisan issues. Certainly, you learn to work with anybody - I've worked with the most hard-core Republicans. Why? I can't wait until there's maybe a more flexible group in office."

On her standing in Washington: "I am very aware in [Washington] I don't have the education or background that is typical. I feel like a little punk kid dressed up in a suit. But I have traveled for about six years to several places around the world and have seen very shocking and disturbing things. Look, I'm just an actress in a silly profession."

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