
Jake talks about his new BFF

Jake Gyllenhaal talked to the press about his new buddy Lance Armstrong while in the French Alps with the cyclist to watch the Tour de France. "We became friends just recently, a couple of months ago. He's a pretty straightforward guy. He called me the other day and said like, 'You want to go riding?'" Gyllenhaal recently started riding as training for a film, and of his ride with Armstrong through the Alps, the Proof actor said, "When we first started riding it was pure adrenaline that kept me going. Then, up the hill, across the way, you could see him like a plane in the sky, he was moving so fast... I just learn from Lance every day, the tips I get. I have never pushed myself so hard as I do with him." Gyllenhaal also joked about his other mutual pastime with Armstrong - beer drinking - saying, "That's been the primary training." Next on the agenda, Armstrong is taking the actor to his seaside villa in Nice. All this quality time must be making Matthew McConaughey - Armstrong's other A-list buddy - green with envy.


Anonymous said...

Alpe d'Huez, that's where he took Sheryl last year. The villa in Nice, that's where he vacationed with Sheryl last year. What is he trying to do, deliberately kick her in the teeth?
Oh but he has such respect for her. Yeah right. He should have kept the name Gunderson. Because he sure is a chip off the old block.

Anonymous said...

Why is daddy always hugging his new boyfriends instead of us, mommy?

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwww are they cute in their matching tees or what. Next will be matching pink/mint tracksuits.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Matt's green with envy, I think he's relieved! He could barely keep up when they were out in LA riding. Even Lance admitted Jake is much more serious about cycling than Matt. And truthfully, since Lance and Matt are rommates in Matt's rented beach house, maybe they got sick of each other and needed a break. Can't live in a state of perpetual hangovers forever.

Anonymous said...

People are disposable to Armstrong.