
Jennifer on Brad, Vince and dating

Jennifer Aniston told a British newspaper that she hopes she and ex-husband Brad Pitt can one day be friends. "I don't regret any of that time and I'm not here to beat myself up about it. They were seven very intense years together and it was a beautiful, complicated relationship," the Friends with Money star said. "I will love Brad for the rest of my life and I hope that some day we will be able to be friends again. Were there times when I had a little 'pity party' for myself? Sure there were. Absolutely. Who wouldn't?" And about her new love, co-star Vince Vaughn, Aniston said, "To date, he hasn't serenaded me under my balcony." On dating in general, she said, "I've gone for each type of man. The rough guy, the nerdy, sweet, lovable type, the slick guy. Men in general are a good thing, I think. In a man, I look for a friend, someone who is an equal and with whom I'm comfortable. I want to be loved, happy and not settle for something less than we all deserve."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She is very beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Jen you have to stop talking about Brad when they probe you. Brad hasnt mentioned you, and your looking like your still in love with him. Its understandable that you may be but you have a new man now, how do you think he feels about you going on about your ex!

Anonymous said...

Your a nice girl, and what happened to you, with the brangelina saga is horrid. But you got to keep your mouth shut about it, you manage to do it about vince so why cant you about your ex?

Anonymous said...

She probably wants to have closure about her and Brad so people won't keep asking her about the whole situaton. Then, she can move on with her life. And I think she is saying the right thing about being "friends with him some day." She wouldn't be bitter, if she would have said that.